10 human foods your dog can eat

It’s important to note that human food should not be used as a substitute for dog food. It’s best to consider it as an occasional treat and should make up only a small portion (about 5%) of your dog’s diet. Below is a list of 10 human foods your dog can eat :

10 human foods your dog can eat

1. Corn

It’s sweet, energizing, and easy to eat. Dogs don’t get much from it nutritionally, but it’s not harmful either. Also, the cob can be hard to digest so ensure you’re giving the dog when it’s off the cob.

2. Banana

A great low-calorie treat for dogs that are high in potassium, biotin, and fiber. Bananas have low sodium content unlike other treats but also have high sugar content so be sure to moderate the quantity accordingly and do not include it as a part of the main diet.

3. Watermelon

Who wouldn’t like a nice, cold watermelon popsicle on the days the temperature goes soaring through the roof! In addition to keeping your dog’s stomach cool, the fruit contains fewer calories and is rich in vitamin A. Although, be sure to remove those seeds!

4. Rice

Rice doesn’t hold a lot of nutritional value for dogs, but if your dog has an upset stomach or loose stools, rice is a great kibble replacement. It will help calm the stomach and bind the stools.

5. Cucumber

Cucumber is especially good for overweight dogs as they barely hold any carbohydrates or fats and also help boost energy levels. They are loaded with high levels of vitamins, magnesium, and biotin, all of which are great for your furry friends!

6. Cheese

Cheese is a super high-value treat and most dogs love it! However, limit the quantities and ensure that your dog is not lactose intolerant. Also, cheese is high in fat so try and opt for low-fat cheese such as cottage cheese, our humble paneer.

7. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and is rich in Vitamin B as well. Make sure you limit the quantities and give your dogs raw, unsalted peanut butter which is xylitol free.

8. Coconut

Coconuts are a great source of lauric acid which can help fight bacteria and in some cases, help with skin issues too. The only thing you should be careful with the coconut is its shell since most dogs love chewing on it and the fiber could irritate the dog’s throat

9. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of protein and probiotics which help boost the immune system. Greek yogurt in moderate quantities or extremely diluted buttermilk can be consumed by dogs that are not lactose intolerant.

10. Honey

Dogs can consume honey in small quantities since it is packed with various vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants. In fact, honey is a great treat for those lick mats!

Now that we’ve covered this list, take a look at a list of foods that are harmful for dogs.